Our Ministries
Thrift Store Ministry
Seconds to Go Thrift Shop
A newer ministry here at Pine Grove is our Thrift Shop - Seconds To Go. We have household treasures, glassware, cookbooks, toys, jewelry, dolls and more!
Donations of gently used items will be accepted after May 20 by contacting the church office to find out more. Please be sure to launder any sheets, towels, blankets, bedspreads before you set up your appointment. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by your church and our local community!
The thrift store is open on a set schedule of dates from 9 AM to 1 PM on each date. To come when it is open, enter the building on the east side of the church (the left side - toward Albany) and use the doors near the back of the building.
Please contact the church office at (518) 869-6281 if you have any questions.
Book Library Ministry
Outside the education wing of the church (West side- to the right of our building as you face it from Central Avenue) is one of our other ministries - our ‘Book Barn’. This is open 24 hours / 7 days a week for both donations and for those who wish to borrow or take books. It operates on a ‘Give what you can, take what you like’ basis.
Donations are able to be dropped off any time. We only ask that the books be in good condition and not be text books. Generally most other books that would be of interest to others are ok.
Please contact the church office at (518) 869-6281 if you have any questions.
To view more of the items available in our Seconds to Go Thrift Store, please visit our Thrift Store Highlights page.